description of files -------------------- below_1018_padic_saved.txt: 72306 triples with c < 10^18 above_1018_padic_saved.txt: 33947 triples with c > 10^18 but < 2^63 specialcases_padic.txt: 371 triples from three sources: high quality, high merit, unbeaten triples see paper for terminology explanation of abbreviations ---------------------------- deg: approximation degree rag: real approximation gain rpg: real power gain rd: real approximation degree spag: strict p-adic approximation gain sppg: strict p-adic power gain sd: strict p-adic approximation degree mpag: multiple p-adic approximation gain mppg: multiple p-adic power gain md: multiple approximation degree counter refers to the line number in Bart de Smit's files selection criteria ------------------ c < 10^18 : rag > 1.10 or spag > 1.31 or mpag > 1.37 or rpg > 2.66 or sppg > 1.90 or mppg > 1.57 or rd >= 43 or sd >= 43 or md >= 43 or sp > 250M or mpag < rag 10^18 < c < 2^63 : rag > 0.90 or spag > 1.02 or mpag > 1.09 or rpg > 2.45 or sppg > 1.86 or mppg > 1.51 or rd >= 50 or sd >= 50 or md >= 50 or sp > 10000M or mpag < rag special cases: only c > 2^63, undoubled