my story on the abc-conjecturetop
the conjecture:
In september 1985 the abc-conjecture was formulated by David Masser
and Joseph Oesterlé at a conference in the UK.
The conjecture states that for every ε > 0 there are only
finitely many triples of positive coprime integers a, b,
c with a + b = c such that c >
N1+ε, where N (the radical
of (a, b, c)) is the product of all prime factors of
abc. The quality of a triple is defined as
q(a, b, c) = (log c)/(log N).
initial record:
My supervisor professor Robert Tijdeman participated in this conference.
Immediately after his return to Leiden he told me about the conjecture,
as at the time I was working (for my PhD thesis) on computationally solving
x +
y =
z in
S-integers (for a given set of primes
S, an
S-integer is an integer composed of primes from
only). So to compute a small list of good examples, I just had to add a few
lines of code to the program I already had, and to run it again. This
immediately produced the record example at the time:
112 + 32 56 73 = 221 23,
with quality 1.62599….
One day later, on September 20, 1985, I went to professor Tijdeman to show him
the fresh record. His reaction was to grab his pocket calculator and to type in
the numbers, speaking the words: "I want to see the miracle happen."
This small list was published in my 1987 Journal of Number Theory paper
(Section 5E) and in my PhD Thesis (Chapter 6, p. 130).
In 1987 Eric Reyssat from Caen found a better example, communicated to me by
Michel Waldschmidt. His method was to look at convergents from continued
fractions of higher roots of integers (maybe even rationals), in particular
he found the fifth root of 109 being extremely close to 23/9, leading to the
wonderful example
2 + 310 109 = 235,
of quality 1.62991…, only slightly bigger than mine. This method basically is
a simple instance of the methods I used, but as this example has primes above
13 in two places, I had missed it, as I had only looked for examples
with primes above 13 in at most one place. My example today is still in
second place. For up to date lists of
abc-examples see
de Smit's tables.
algebraic numbers:
In 1999 Niklas Broberg came with good examples for the uniform algebraic number
field case. From his work it was immediately apparent to me that many of his
examples have to do with exceptional solutions to Diophantine equations and/or
exceptional values in recurrence sequences. And that also immediately brought
to mind the possibility that the well known exceptional zero in the Berstel
ternary recurrence was a good candidate for being a very good
abc-example. This turned out to be the case, giving me again a record
example, as can be read in my web note
A new extreme
abc-example, 'published' only on the web in 1999. Then history
repeated itself, when a few years later Tim Dokchitser found a better example,
leaving my example again at the second place, where it still is. See my web
newer extreme abc-example due to Tim Dokchitser, 2003. Dutchmen
call this being "eternal second" the
big Ш's:
At a conference in Edinburgh in 1996 I attended a talk by Dorian Goldfeld
about elliptic curves, in particular Frey-Hellegouarch curves, with large
Tate-Shafarevich group
Ш (the proper spelling for
"Shafarevich" is
hence the symbol for this group). As Frey-Hellegouarch curves are linked to
abc-triples, it turns out that good
abc-triples may lead to
exceptionally large
Ш's. In the coffee break after Dorian's
lecture I started up my brand new fancy laptop computer (running Apecs on
Windows 95), and in a few minutes I had a record size
Ш. I
wrote a paper, titled "
C and big
Ш's", which yielded a theoretical conjecture on a sharp
bound for the size of
Ш's, linked to other conjectures, as well
as interesting examples. My wife still remembers me sitting at the kitchen
table with my laptop and getting excited each time a new large
Ш popped up. Needless to say that shortly after this paper
appeared, others, notably Abderrahmane Nitaj, found better examples and took
over the record. David Broadhurst has found new records in 2021, see
big fudge:
In 2018, on a conference in Leiden, I met Hector Pasten, who knew my work
on big
Ш's, mainly because of a small lemma on the sizes of
Tamagawa products, a.k.a.
fudge factors. A few years later he had a
paper that gave me the idea that good
abc-triples also may lead to
exceptionally large Tamagawa products. So I did some experiments, and
contacted David Broadhurst, who greatly improved my ideas and experiments.
I still have to finish the paper, in the meantime, see the
paper and tables, 2023.
Another interesting development in this area is the emergence of the
xyz-conjecture, in a 2009 paper by Lagarias and Soundararajan.
abc-triples they introduced the new quality function
c) = 3/2 (loglog
/ (log
P), where
P is the largest prime factor of
xyz-conjecture then states that lim sup
Q* = 1.
I tested the
database for this new quality function. This yielded the new record
1 + 4374 = 4375 with Q* = 1.63904.
Impressive, isn't it? I challenge you to find a better example, and throw
me back to second place again. I wrote a note "Numerical data related
to the Lagarias-Soundararajan
xyz-conjecture", 2012-2016, with
my further findings, see the
paper and tables.
When introduced to the
abc-conjecture it's only natural to wonder
about the
abcde, …-conjectures. These are taken
together as the
n-conjecture. My BSc student Coen Ramaekers did some
initial investigations, see
Coen's bachelor thesis and some tables.
approximation gain:
Ongoing work: Karsten Müller introduced the
approximation gain of
abc-triple, and inspired me to do computational experiments and to
generalise the concept to the
p-adic case. See the
tables, soon
to be accompanied by a paper.
my story on the 3n+1-conjecturetop
the conjecture:
Consider the 3
T: ℕ → ℕ defined by
T(n) = n / 2 if n is even,
T(n) = (3n+1) / 2 if n is odd.
The conjecture states that for any natural number
n the sequence
… will eventually reach the number 1, and then enters the
cycle 1 → 2 → 1.
If you think you have found a proof of this conjecture, my advice is to think again. If you then
still think you have a proof, my advice still is the same.
With John Simons (Groningen) we investigated m-cycles. A cycle is an m-cycle if it
contains m local maxima (and thus also m local minima). It has been known for a long
time that 1 → 2 → 1 is the only 1-cycle (Ray Steiner, 1977), and John Simons proved in
2004 that there are no 2-cycles. Then he contacted me (via Rob Tijdeman), to see if we could prove
more. We could, in our Acta Arithmetica paper from 2005 we proved that there are no m-cycles
with 2 ≤ m ≤ 68, and in the update from 2010 we reached 2 ≤ m ≤ 75. We now have
2 ≤ m ≤ 77 (unpublished), and in 2023 Christian Hercher even reached 2 ≤ m ≤ 91. We
have this still under investigation.
modular Collatz graphs:
With Thijs Laarhoven we investigated the graphs of the modular 3n+1-function, that
is, for a given modulus N the directed graph on 0, 1, 2, …, N - 1 with edge
i → j whenever there is an n ≡ i (mod N) such that
T(n) ≡ j (mod N). In 2009 Thijs wrote an excellent BSc thesis
on the case of N a power of 2, that grew out into our joint 2013 paper.
With Achilleas Karras we have work in progress on the determinants of modular Collatz graphs,
explaining the wild behaviour of these determinants.
I also have work in progress on the spectra of modular Collatz graphs.
overview papers and talks:
- Slides of an overview talk (in Dutch):
Het 3n+1-vermoeden, 25e InterTU-Studiedag, 3TU.AMI, June 19, 2013,
- Slides of an overview talk (in Dutch):
Het 3n+1-vermoeden, PWN Vakantiecursus, August 23, 2013, Eindhoven and
August 30, 2013, Amsterdam.
- The chapter from this
PWN course's syllabus (in Dutch). A somewhat modified version of this chapter has
appeared as a paper in the Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 2014 (self-plagiarism).
- Slides of an overview talk (in English):
The 3n+1 Conjecture, CASA Colloquium, May 25, 2022, Eindhoven.
- Not mine, but it fits in here: an overview (in Dutch) of recent developments, by John Simons:
Het 3x + 1 -probleem, recente ontwikkelingen en oplossingsrichtingen,
Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 5e serie 23(3) [2022], 147-152.
The 2004 joint paper with John Simons (in Dutch) on a connection with Mersenne Numbers describes
John's work winning him the prize in a contest on the occasion of the 225th anniversary of the
Wiskundig Genootschap (Dutch Mathematical Society).
part I - harmless colliding certificates:
This line of work started shortly after Xiaoyun Wang took the crypto community by surprise at the Crypto Rump Session in August 2004,
by presenting an MD5 collision. That led Arjen Lenstra and me to wondering what nasty things could be done with such collisions.
We saw possibilities for interesting applications to X.509 certificates.
Applications were already emerging in other areas (software integrity), using the exact collisions Xiaoyun Wang had presented at Crypto,
that were using the standard initial IHV.
We had two main problems to solve: we had to neatly hide a random looking data block inside the highly formatted data structure that
an X.509 certificate is, and we had to obtain collisions for different initial IHVs than Xiaoyun Wang's original collisions.
The first problem was solved by observing that an X.509 certificate already contains a random looking block of data,
namely the RSA modulus of the public key. It turned out to be easy to hide the collision inside this modulus,
even while retaining the number theoretic structure of the modulus. The second problem turned out to be even easier:
one e-mail to Xiaoyun Wang with our specific initial IHV was sufficient to receive the desired collision overnight.
See the old
Colliding Certificates website
containing a lot of technical stuff. This work led to our ACISP paper, and caused some turbulence in the PKI world.
One reaction that I like is the following, by
Jeffrey Kay:
I just finished reading Colliding X.509 Certificates (...) and I now have chills running up my spine (...)
this is a pretty scary paper (...)"
Great. That's why we were doing this.
part II - more interesting colliding certificates:
The type of certificates we were able to make using Xiaoyun Wang's type of collision violates fundamental PKI principles,
but is actually completely harmless. This is mainly due to the fact that the owner's identity as present in the certificates must
be identical in both certificates forming a colliding pair. This is because Xiaoyun Wang's method required the initial
IHVs for the two colliding data blocks to be equal. We now call this type of collisions
identical prefix collisions.
At EuroCrypt 2005, where Xiaoyun Wang presented her method for constructiong MD5 collisions, it became clear
to us that this was the main obstacle for more interesting colliding certificates. In particular, we wanted colliding
certificates with different owner identities. For that we needed
chosen prefix collisions, where the two colliding
data blocks have arbitrary chosen initial IHVs.
Then Marc Stevens, a master student in Eindhoven, came to me looking for a topic for his master thesis project, to be
done within the Dutch National Communications Security Agency NBV. We gave him a choice from a few topics, and he
chose hash collisions. After a few months he had considerably improved and accelerated Xiaoyun Wang's method for
identical prefix collisions, and had ideas on how to construct chosen prefix collisions. This required massive
computational efforts, that luckily can easily be parallelized and distributed. So Marc started the
project, using the BOINC framework, in which volunteers donate their spare cycles to scientific advancement.
Soon Marc had a few thousand PCs all over the world running for him, and after some 6 months he finally had
a chosen prefix collision. This was crafted such that it could be built in a pair of colliding certificates,
this time with different owner identities. See the
Chosen-prefix Collision website and the
Colliding X.509 Certificates for Different Identities website.
Marc presented his work at EuroCrypt 2007, in a paper that was
selected by the program committee as one of the three
notable papers of the conference.
In June 2007 Marc graduated in Eindhoven as MSc, cum laude, with the highest possible grade for his master thesis.
He also received the Eindhoven University Best Master Thesis Award 2007.
This result achieved some attention from the Dutch press.
intermezzo - predicting the 2008 US presidential elections:
After graduating, before he went to work at
CWI as a PhD student
of Ronald Cramer, Marc visited Arjen Lenstra in Lausanne for two months. Arjen has a cluster of over 200
PlayStation3 game consoles available for cryptanalytic experiments. Marc developed code for this platform
and considerably improved his methods for constructing chosen-prefix collisions for MD5. We now took a less
serious but equally interesting and challenging application that was much more appealing to a broad audience:
predicting who would become the next US president. Note: this was in the fall of 2007, more than a year
before the elections in November 2008. Using only one PlayStation3 Marc produced a chosen-prefix multi-collision
for MD5, consisting of twelve perfectly normal pdf files, all having identical MD5 hash values.
See the
Nostradamus website.
Moreover, as a somewhat more serious (to some) application we constructed a pair of Win32 executables
having identical MD5 hash values. Next time you download some software and verify its integrity by an
"MD5 checksum", do you trust that there is no other file with the same "checksum" value?
See the
Colliding Executables website.
These two websites were released on November 30, 2007, and attracted a lot of attention worldwide.
part III - really dangerous colliding certificates:
In July 2008 Alex Sotirov, Jake Appelbaum and David Molnar contacted us, as they had ideas on how to
mount an attack on a real Certification Authority, based on chosen-prefix collisions, and they
needed help on constructing these collisions. This led Marc to making new improvements in his methods,
and the full strength of Arjen's PlayStation3 cluster was used to produce, in October 2008, the collision
that was needed. The result was a potentially very dangerous attack possibility on the SSL Public Key
Infrastructure, in that we had constructed a rogue Certification Authority whose certificate appears
to be signed by a commercial CA trusted by the major browsers. This story has been extensively described on the
rogue CA website.
Alex, Jake and Marc presented this work on December 30, 2008 at the
25th Annual Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin.
It has attracted major media attention. In one blog I found a quote about our work that I like:
their paper describing the attack is a fascinating read filled with enough gory details to make
any security practitioner salivate".
Keep tissues at hand when you
click here.
The US Computer Emergency Readiness Team issued a
Vulnerability Note, and there were public reactions by companies such as Microsoft, Verisign and Cisco.
The new developments on MD5 collision construction are described in detail in a paper that was presented at
Crypto 2009. This paper also contains details of
speed improvements to the identical prefix collision construction, and of a construction method for
single block chosen prefix collisions.
The Crypto 2009 program committee selected our paper for the
best paper award.
Our work made it to number 1 of the
Top Ten Web Hacking Techniques of 2009. If that's something to be proud of I don't know.